Kevin D Schwertfeger
Principled Conservative Leadership, as we strive for a Stronger Kansas.
Today is a new day. Welcome to the official site of Republican Candidate for Kansas House of Representatives #114, Kevin D Schwertfeger, a source of information on issues, history, background and where I Stand. I'm not asking for your money, I ask for your support, to be your voice in our Republic form of Government.
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You ARE Saved by works. But NOT yours.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, I would like for you to know Him as your Savior. There is nothing more important in this world than for you to know Him as your only Eternal Salvation. Jesus Loves You. God is Love and we love because He first Loved us. Your Latin lesson for today is : Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria :
Biblical Scripture alone, by Faith alone, by Grace alone, by Christ alone, to the Glory of God alone Hear I stand. I can do no other.We are Christians, members of St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of The Missouri Synod - SW of Preston, at Natrona, KS.
Three reasons to be Happy : Jesus Loves You! Jesus died for You. Jesus is always with You.

Kevin D Schwertfeger Family & Policy notes :
I am married to Gayla of 33 yrs, we have 3 daughters, 2 son in laws, and 2 fun loving Grandsons. We are from Turon, Kansas. I am blessed by God for my wonderful wife, & parents, Ron & Sharon and brother Jeff & sister Brenda . They have played a tremendous role in my life. Dad & Mom farm and background cattle on pasture. They have played and sang in many many weddings and celebrations for friends and family. Mom volunteers her time for many area needs and is a skilled organist, choir director, and musician. Dad farms with my brother Jeff and can often be found at Pratt Livestock salebarn. My brother operates the family farm involving cattle plus seed wheat business. His wife Brenda is a liscensed cosmetologist and salon owner. They have 4 daughters & (2 sons) : Emma & (Cannon) + little Burns, Ellie & (Dylan), Eva & Erin. My family is engaged in agriculture, John Deere sales & receptionist, Turon Mill & Elevator Sec. & in cattle care and healthcare. Gayla & I have 3 daughters & (2 sons) Samantha & (Brian), Amanda & (Jerry), & Anna. Amanda & Jerry have our Grandsons Wade & Grayson! I work as an Independent Crop Consultant in Reno, Pratt, Kingman , Barber and Stafford counties. Gayla helps me check fields and care for our Angus/Brangus cattle herd plus care for Grandsons. As a property owner Gayla was elected to the Turon City Council, has served on the Turon library board and is on the Reno Co Zoning and Planning Commission. She has been a past Church Sunday School Superindendent. Did well raising our daughters while I was gone working. She is greatly appreciated for all she does on our farm even though i don't always express that. Gayla's family operates a Ranch South of Dodge City near Englewood where my favorite Mother in Law, Gloria & Brother Wes and Rhonda are located. My Late Father in law was a former Clark Co Commissioner and Volunteer Firefighter. Chuck McKinney; with his passing, as the Eric Church song goes, Still got a lot of boot, ... left to fill. My Grandparents farmed in Reno/Pratt co. & in E. Colorado. I am a 5th generation Kansan in Kansas Agriculture. We live in the farm house where my Grandparents Orval & LaVerne Schwertfeger got started in farming 85 years ago. Grandparents Carl & Norma Briggeman operated a farm & dairy, West of Iuka in Pratt county. My Great Grandfather an International Harvester dealer. I am pro education : I attended Turon Grade school, Graduated from Langdon/ Fairfield High School from The Great Class of '87 Met my wife while on HCC track & field team'89 under Coaches Becker & the late great Coach Masterson, Hutchinson Community College Graduate, AA in Agriculture '89, Graduate Kansas State University BS College of Agriculture in Crop Protection/Pest Science & Management '92. Here is where I stand: I stand for the Pro Life cause. It is noble and Biblically correct to stand for those who have no voice. I am happy to be Endorsed by Kansas Farm Bureau. Continuing to be a voice for Agriculture. Also i am endorsed by Kansans For Life ! This organization is a champion for the protection of both Mother's and their babies. Please support them as they help save children's lives. Take and hold little ones hands, not their life.I am pro adoption. We need to keep a culture of standing for Life. Member Kansans for Life & Lutherans For Life. I am in favor of the Convention of States. We need to reel in the excessive power of Anti-American Progressive judges. I am for the Constitution as our framework of freedom in its originalist form. It is not a living breathing changing document. I am Pro 2nd Ammendment. I am a Life member of the NRA, of the Col. Oliver North wing. I am in favor of applying justice fairly. I am opposed to Joe Biden and K Harris what they stand for in their Anti-American policies, Bidenflation, & unjust weaponization of our Judiciary against their political opponents. They take lessons from Hillary's made up collusion illusions and Venezuelan friends. Their policies continue to wreak havoc on our economy. Pushing increased mileage standards on automakers has the effect of promoting the ridiculous idea of forcing electric vehicles down our throats. We don't want them as the only option to choose from. People can't afford those high $ vehicles. They are inefficient, limited range, & not totally reliable in extreme hot & cold Kansas conditions. They are not proven in our rural America as a sole viable driving option. It is about federal government power with their mandates out of control. Our electric grid is not capable of handling the increased need. We need to maintain diversity, continuing production of American fueled gas cars and trucks. America needs to Wake up, quick. ESG's are a means to aid China and Elites, they belong not in Kansas. We need to focus on American energy production. The government needs to get out of the way of business progress. To promote American industry, to focus Energy policy on the most efficient means and least cost methods of producing energy to keep our electric bills down. There are other more efficient American Energy sources than Green energy. Feds are pushing Green energy in part due to overreaction to climate cycling, by climate alarmists named Greta and Enviro-Marxists gone wild, taking Dodge City NOAA weather data and cooking the books. Wind and Solar energy advancement is a local government's option and decision handled by local County Commissioner Boards. This is decided locally. On a State level, we need more Energy. We need more Nuclear Energy. Wolf Creek is highly efficient. We need to see more energy produced by American sources : coal power, oil and natural gas industry. We don't need to ban gas stoves. That would hurt restaurants. Global warming and climate change is a crazy religion worshiped by the progressive marxist left. Our climate operates in cycles. Remember the children's story of Chicken Little : No, the sky is not falling, Chicken Little. One of the unnecessary consequenses of saving the world is forcing farmers and truck drivers to use DEF in diesel engines. This and future banning of combustion engines is just stupid & ridiculous. That should not have been forced upon us and should not be allowed to stand. If people wish to have an electric car that's fine, but we need to continue making gas powered vehicles and not phase production out. Wake Up America. I am a Reagan Republican who recognizes President Trump's government policies were what our country needed for our Economy. Biden/Harris's policies are bad for our economy. They are crushing us in inflation. We are not better off under Biden/Harris. Also, They try to use race to divide us. They promote dependency and want dependency to hold us captive to the government for the sake of power, Dem. party power. Republican policies lead all people to do better and be more independent. They equate the concept of MAGA, Making America Great Again, with terrorism. That's just wrong. I am Pro Agriculture, as one who was raised on a farm, who has farming interests, who has cows and calves and bulls, grassland, wheat, forage sorghum, looking after corn, soybeans, cotton, milo and other crops, Our family farms are the strength of our State. We need a strong farm economy. My wife and I are Farm Bureau members, Kansas Cattlemen's Assoc, Brangus Breeders Assoc, National Wheat Growers , Kansas Assoc of Independent Crop Consultants and former President KAICC. The KAICC organization members help farmers manage/overseeing Ag production on one million plus acres in Kansas.

Volunteer Firefighter Reno Co D#7
For the Ethics notification : this site is paid for by Kevin Schwertfeger, Gayla Schwertfeger, Treasurer. I have been involved in service to my community. I am privileged to serve, helping as a Volunteer Firefighter for 20+ years and serve as a #764 Captain. For 24 years I have served as Miami Twp Trustee in SW Reno co. charged with road supervision on 50+ miles of road. I have been VP of the Haynesville Surface and Mineral Rights Assoc. Our group was formed to stand for small farmer and property owners rights who's surface & mineral rights were being annexed in hostile fashion by Northern Natural Gas company thru Federal approval by the DC. FERC. I spoke on our groups behalf before the Kansas Supreme Court who ruled in our favor after a ...THREE year ... deliberation. I am for Education , I was formerly elected to USD 310 BOE and served a year as VP. Also prior to that served as Kingman co USD 332 Site Council Chairman. I served several years as the former Lutheran Church of Pratt's Preschool Board Chairman. I was a former Fairfield FFA Alumni Group President. I have worked to insure free and fair local elections, working as a Poll worker insuring voting day total neutrality at the Polls and fair unimpeeded voting by the public. Have been a Republican Precinctperson for Reno co Miami Twp. with my wife for 24 years, having the privilege of voting for replacement of a past retiring Sheriff and District Attorney in Reno county. I was a former Reno Co Republican Party Chairman. I focused on efforts to increase communication between Republicans yet to secure policy within the Republican Party that the Party platform and State Primary system stayed in the Republican Wing of the Republican Party. I felt it important to maintain Republicans deciding who Republicans support in our secure closed Primary system. At that time there had been an effort to change Kansas to an Open Primary system. I was a GOP State voting delegate within the Republican Party that played a part in shutting down the SILLY idea of changing Kansas GOP to an open primary system. WE voted to secure control within party rules to have a super majority to change Primary rules. I am a Big First District Republican Party Delegate with my wife Gayla. Crazy issues abound : In Kansas we don't need to allow gender changing surgeries for minors. If a guy listens to Shania Twain's song long enough - "Man, I feel like a Woman", that doesn't entitle biological men to have a place in women's sports, in women's locker rooms, nor in women's restrooms. Kansas doesn't need Socialized medicine or legalized marijuana. No, Governor. By God's grace I am humbled to have served at my St. Paul Lutheran Church , Missouri Synod congregation as a past President, Elder, Secretary, Finance Board member, Trustee & a voting Delegate in The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Kansas District Convention in Topeka. We as informed Christian voters voted Unanomously to pass and encourage everyone in Kansas to Vote in favor of The Value Them Both Ammendment to the Kansas Constitution. It was reasonable & should have passed. I care about the people of Reno, Pratt and Kingman County as they are my people, where I live and work on farmland owned and operated by my friends & farmer clients. I care that they and our Kansas neighbors are successful. My Grandfather Carl was an Air Force pilot of a P47D fighter/bomber over Germany in WWII, I had two Great Uncles who served in WWII, two cousins fought in Vietnam. My father did service in the Air Force National Guard. I had an Uncle, an Army Ranger. A cousin a Navy Seal. When u see a Veteran, Thank them for their service to our Country. Although I didn't serve, Ive been involved in Volunteer Firefighting efforts for 20+ years. Freedom isn't Free. God Bless our Veterans and First Responders.Good Lord Willing and with my fellow Republican support I will serve you to my best ability in Topeka and work for a Stronger Kansas.

per Aspera ad Astera , Soli Deo Gloria !
Oh that The Lord would guide my ways, to keep his statutes still, OH that The Lord would grant me grace to know and do His will !
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear, The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid ? Psalm 27